The Lunar Galactic Shipyard (LGS), located just off the dark side of the moon, has had the honor of “laying down the keels” of a vast majority of the ships built for the Intergalactic Space Command (ISC). The LGS shipyard is the birthplace of the Galactic Habitat and Science Platform Station number 47891B – 4791 otherwise known as Alma Con. The Space Station Alma Con was christened in the year 2235 as Space Station Alma Con (the translation of Alma Con means to “Go with Spirit (God)”. Alma Con was the newest of the new in 2235. Her sister ships were still being constructed when she was launched. It was a great day at the launch, all of the Nations were represented at the lunar base as well as at the United Nations building in Abu Dhabi where the launching ceremony was broadcast to the world.
Her mission remains unchanged, maintain a position approximately halfway between Earth and Mars, and protect and keep the astro shipping lanes open and functional, between lunar bases, Mars colonies, and Earth. Alma Con is designed to be self-sufficient. Its stores and back up materials all have specific expiration dates.
Alma Con is the state of the art in everything. It’s as if she is a living breathing organism thriving in the cold, darkness of space. She seems to beam with pride as she surveys her new family, consisting of military families, civilian contractors and their families and the individual scientists and engineers. She embraces them all, with the exception of the new Admiral. She did not need a stern hand at her helm. She could never ascertain his true intentions. She felt uneasy about him when he failed to salute her bow and stern upon stepping aboard on her christening. That was her special day and she would always remember his disrespect on her special day!
She was beautiful, shiny, new in every way, new technologies, and experimental systems. It was said at her christening, no weapons would ever be brought aboard. She was to be a neutral presence to keep the shipping lanes open for all to use. It was two days after her christening she discovered in cargo bay, R55-N51 L , 25 large crates labeled agricultural machinery. These crates were anything, but spare parts. She scanned experimental long range laser cannons and discovered they were scheduled to be installed under the topside antenna housing. She became more suspicious of the military team leading her crew. She locked the bay doors, hoping the locks would remain for years. She never shared these findings with the other AI systems. She kept to what she did best, taking care of her children, her crew and their rather odd life forms her children called pets!